
If you are visiting this page looking for an experienced Bulldog Veterinarian the BCA members have compiled a list of vets that have bulldog experience. CLICK HERE  This list is sorted by state.  It was last updated 10/6/19.  This list is just one resource for Bulldog owners.

The Standard for the Breed, which has existed for over 100 years, describes a dog that is healthy and strong, able to move in an unrestrained, free and vigorous manner.

Its nose should be large with wide nostrils to ensure its ability to breathe.  Bulldog perform in both conformation and performance activities, where they could not compete successfully if they were not healthy.

Bulldogs require all the care that any other breed does.  In addition, the unusual physical characteristics that make them so appealing may create their own issues.  This is a highly specialized, man-made breed that would have difficulty surviving on its own in the wild.  That’s why they don’t live in the wild.  They live with us and we provide for their care.

Although general remedies are discussed in this section, it is important that you discuss any health issues with your Vet to decide on the appropriate treatment for any condition.  You won't experience in one dog the problems we discuss, but you may see a few over the years if you continue with additional Bulldogs.  As you learn more, you can recognize the issues and whether they are significant.  The more you learn about the breed, the more confident you will feel in your ability to handle minor issues yourself.  You will also be able to decide when a Vet needs to be called in. Vectors like heartworm, ticks and intestinal parasites can cause serious health problems for any dog.

Your Vet must be experienced in handling Bulldogs - the more, the better.  It's worth traveling farther to see a Vet that sees many Bulldogs - they can diagnose and treat them better than a Vet who is less familiar with the breed.  This is important for everyday care and may mean the a successful treatment outcome in some cases.  For example, Bulldogs have more difficulty with anesthesia than other breeds because of their unique breathing configuration.  A more experienced Vet will know when not to use anesthesia and how much to use when it's needed.  There are usually several experienced Vets in any area and the local Bulldog club or local Bulldoggers can help you in finding a Vet in your area.  When you are traveling you can consult an on-line Veterinary Database. Please consider using a vet on this list. CLICK HERE    This list is provided as just one resource to help you in your efforts to provide the best care possible for your Bulldog.

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