These pages explain the types of events our clubs hold.
We are here to advise you on what you should look for in a competitive dog whether your interest is conformation, performance or companion events.

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Dog Shows
Dog shows began as competitions to evaluate breeding stock. They were similar to farm shows and county fairs as exhibitions of animals. Today. that purpose remains, but shows are also fun competitions and a chance to meet and get to know others with interests like yours in a specific breed.
- Dog shows can be either formal or informal. Formal Shows award points towards a Championship and may either be shows for different breeds or dogs - an all-breed or Group show - or a show restricted to one breed is considered a Specialty show.
- Informal shows, called Match shows, do not award points towards a championship and are held for fun and as learning experiences for the dogs and the exhibitors.
- Matches can be either all-breed, group or specialties.
Shows are also divided into Conformation and Companion shows
- Conformation shows evaluate each dog against the written standard describing the ideal for the breed.
- Companion shows are referred to as Performance and Civic Activities events. They vary and include Obedience, Agility and other events to evaluate the dog's ability to learn and carry out specific tasks.
The Show Calendar contains information on our current BCA Upcoming Shows, (National, Divisional and Member Club).
Information on match shows, education events, health clinics and rescue events can be found under the various pages on the site.
All of these specialty shows are open to the public. Some have an admission charge, others are free. If you have not attended a dog show before, please obey the following guidelines:
- Do not approach a dog being shown, either when it is on a lead or in its crate, without asking permission from the dog's exhibitor. Most Bulldog show people are happy to talk to you about their dogs, but a show can be a stressful time for both the exhibitor and the dog. Please respect the wishes of the participants and do nothing to agitate the dogs.
- Do not take a dog that is not entered in the show into the show or grooming areas. Some Clubs expressly prohibit dogs that are not entered from being on the show grounds.
- Smoking, food, and liquid refreshments are prohibited near the ring.
- Baby strollers and carriages should not be near the ring entrance or areas where dogs are groomed and crated.
The show information is provided by the show-giving club, but may change. Some listings are pending AKC approval.