The plan for a National Show can start years in advance. The National Show Rules and Procedures are lengthy. Read more...
National Show Rotation

If the Club is not a member club of the AKC, the club Secretary must apply through BCA to the AKC to hold the Show at least 18 weeks before the entries close for the show. Members clubs of the AKC, of which there are two in the Division, may apply directly to the AKC, but it is courteous to send a copy to the Division secretary for his or her information. The there is currently no fee for the first member club specialty annually and $15 for the second. For licensed clubs, the fee is $50 for each independent specialty and $15 for a designated specialty.
Entry fees should be set when the show application is submitted. The entry fee for puppy class and entry in a second class is usually at a lower fee. Fees recently have been $25-30 for regular classes, with $20 for puppies. Don't forget to set a fee for Sweepstakes also. This is in the $20 range locally. The Club retains 10% of the Sweepstakes entry fees; the remaining 90% is paid out paid to the first though fourth in each class with first getting 36% (40% of the remainder), second getting 27% (30% of the remainder), 18% (20% of the remainder) and 9% (10% of the remainder).
For an independent specialty, have the Secretary notify you of acceptances by judges and approval of show by AKC. For a specialty at an all-breed show, have the Secretary notify you of the club's selection for a judge from the club's list.
Note to Show Chairs: Please submit any details of upcoming BCA Divisional and Member Club specialties for listing on the Events Calendar to Sherry Webb You may include any flyers, premium lists and other information of interest to be included for the Event on the Calendar.
Online Blanket Approval Form Use this form to submit your show information online. Accessible and fillable via computers, phones and tablets. You will not be required to download the form or email separately. This form, on submission, will go directly to the Bulldogger Editor, BCA Webmaster & BCA National Secretary
Online Show Final Results Form Use this form to submit your show results online. Accessible and fillable via computers, phones and tablets. You will not be required to download the form or email separately. This form, on submission, will go directly to the Bulldogger Editor & BCA Webmaster.
A show superintendent or show secretary should be contacted and a contract for services signed. The contract should include all due dates (submission for the premium list, the return of the draft premium list, submission for the catalog, the closing date, etc.), rosettes (BOB, BOS, BOW, WD, WB, RWD, RWB, Stud Dog, Brood Bitch, Veteran Dog, Veteran Bitch, and all class firsts), number of catalogs included and the fee schedule for the provision of the service.
Make sure the Show Secretary has the names and addresses of all members so that premium lists and entry forms can be sent to them as well as prior exhibitors.
A draft of the premium list must be sent to the Show Secretary by the required date along with the trophy list. Trophies must be listed in the premium list to be handed out in the ring at the show.
The draft premium list must be edited and corrections sent to the Show Secretary by the date required. Booster pages and ads are usually due at the same time.
Brief biographies of the judges along with photos, if available, should be provided for inclusion in the catalog.
The Show Secretary must have the required copy of the AKC's Complete Dog Book at the show or the Club should purchase one for use at the show.
You need to find a show site of sufficient size (2,600 square feet and up) to hold the show. The show site must accommodate a ring of at least 1,400 square feet, grooming space of at least 1,200 sq. ft., and have a place to serve a luncheon to the exhibitors, if not held at a hotel.
You will need to negotiate a contract with the show site at least a year in advance. A hotel is preferable, if possible, to provide convenient access to the show site for exhibitors staying over at the shows. If you use a hotel, you can usually get a reduction in the rental fee based on the number of room nights of lodging reserved by your exhibitors. Many hotels require a one-time security fee (frequently nonrefundable) from those staying at the hotel who bring dogs.
Your Treasurer will have to pay at least a portion of the rental fee in advanced based on the contract terms. The hotel will also usually require that they be added to the club's insurance policy as a third party insured for the event. Increase your insurance through a rider if the policy limits are not high enough.
In planning the event, you will have to determine what, if any special requirements for the site is needed, e.g., plastic on carpeting, limitations on dogs in rooms, access to area to walk dogs, requirements for a cleanup, security deposit for rooms.
For an independent specialty you should have two stewards. One will hand out arm bands, check dogs as present before judging and arrange the trophies from awarding. The other will call dogs into the ring, inform the exhibitors of the initial instructions of the judge and prepare the ribbons awarded in each class. These tasks may be divided in any manner the stewards wish.
At least one steward should be knowledgeable about ring procedure and showing. This is a perfect spot for an experienced exhibitor who is no longer active; the second person may be an inexperienced person being trained in stewarding.
You should make sure that the stewards are sent a judging schedule so that they can plan to arrive sufficiently in advance to prepare the ring for the show After the show, you should send a thank you note to the stewards for helping out.
For designated specialties, stewards are usually arranged for by the host club.
Before the show, each committee should turn over all income and the original receipts for expenditures to the Treasurer, obtain from the Treasurer any payments to reimburse committees for expenditures and sign Treasurers receipts for monies received from the Treasurer. The Treasurer provides copy of Treasurers receipts to Show Chair.
The Show Chair shall receive all income and be given all receipts on the day of the show. After paying all expenses and receiving receipts the day of the show, the Show Chair turns over monies and receipts to Treasurer, obtaining Treasurers receipt.
After the show, each committee should turn over to the show chair a report detailing income and expenses, with copies of receipts for any expenses.
After the end of an independent specialty, the Superintendent will send an accounting and a check for any money owed to the club or a bill for money owed by the Club to the Superintendent. From the total entry fees paid to the superintendent, there will be deductions for the Superintendent's fee (covering premium lists, stated numbers of catalogs, rosettes and ribbons, entry forms and arm bands, AKC recording fee, and the ring equipment), the cost of advertising at the contract rate (offset by the payments already made directly to the Club for advertising by the advertisers), any excess catalogs requested, any extra mailings requested, etc. The more cash prizes you have, the lower will be the return from the Superintendent (since you will have directly received these donations, while the Superintendent will pay them out).
For Specialties held in conjunction to all breed shows, besides paying for the judges expenses, the all-breed club will usually pay to the Club an agreed-upon amount per dog entered. In the recent past, this has been in the range of $2 to $4 per dog entered.
A preliminary report on the show should be provided to the club within 30 days of the show. The report will contain information submitted by the committees on their activities, income and expenses.
Within two months of the show, or later if the payment from the Superintendent has not been received, the show chair shall provide a final written financial report to the club.
The club should discuss the report and recommend any changes to the show procedures to improve future shows.
The show chair should send a marked copy of the catalog to editor of the The Bulldogger so the results can be published in the next edition. For Division shows only, send copies of the photographs of BOB, BOS, WD and WB for inclusion in The Bulldogger if requested.
You should have someone call the local newspapers you sent press releases to before the show to report the results for inclusion in the next day's paper.
Specialty Committees
This committee is responsible at all Specialties for raising funds to support the show, except for collecting money for Trophies. Shows are expensive to run and the entry fees for the dog exhibited do not cover the full costs of holding the show and associated events. This committee plans a variety of fundraising activities, including auctions, raffles, 50/50's etc. They also seek corporate sponsors for the show. Without a successful fundraising effort, a successful show can't be held.
For all specialties, the club has a page available int the catalog for its use. Sometimes it is used to raise additional funds by listing supporters. A booster page consisting of one line per booster at a nominal ($1 or $2 per line) cost is one option. This needs to be coordinated with the show superintendent to meet the printing deadlines for the catalogue. The committee solicits boosters, collects the money and submits the page to the superintendent.
The committee collects donations and pledges for trophies at shows, by advertising in newsletters, special mailings to members, and by soliciting other specialty clubs. Donations may be cash or prizes other than cash.
Many specialty clubs have exchange trophies they offer for specific classes at other specialty shows. Contact the Clubs to make sure they know we are listing them in the premium list. Some trophies are offered at all specialties; some only once a year. All trophies must be placed where the donor specifies, if a specification is made.
Based on the approved budget, the Committee selects the types of trophies to be awarded.
The Committee forwards to the Show Superintendent and the Show Chair, a list of the trophies and donors. It is important to list every major trophy and its donor. Smaller donations may be grouped together (. . . class prizes have been donated though the following friends of the Club . . .) or listed individually. If possible, major donations should be used for major prizes or for an entire class (All prizes for Open Dog were donated by . . .) rather than breaking them up for small class prizes.
The Committee should check with prior catalogs and club officers to determine whether there are special trophies donated to be awarded only upon multiple wins. Be sure to include these in the trophy list, since there will be no further notification of their availability.
Trophies should be ordered, depending on production time, sufficiently in advance of the show to guarantee their availability. The trophies should be in the Committee's hands at least two weeks before the show to check them for completeness. You should plan who is bringing each trophy expected.
Reminders should be sent to donors who have not paid their pledges before the show
Labels should be made for each trophy, if necessary, to make awarding the correct trophies for the correct placements easier for the steward. All trophies should be at the show a minimum of one-half hour before judging to set up the trophy table. If a trophy donated does not arrive at the show, send a card to the donor and have him mail the trophy directly to the recipient.
After the show, the Committee should have any revolving trophies engraved with the name of the winner so it will be available for the next show.
At an Independent Specialty, the committee is responsible for arranging hospitality for the exhibitors before and after the show. Hospitality may be held the evening before the show and the night of the show. Hospitality usually includes some refreshments (wine, soda, cheese and crackers, etc.) available to all exhibitors for several hours. It is an occasion where exhibitors can relax together after dinner.
The committee determines the hospitality available within the funds set by the Committee. they must purchase items required for hospitality, including paper goods, or obtain them from the Entertainment Chair if in stock.
A hospitality room should be available at the show site or the show hotel if the show is not held at the show hotel. Exhibitors should be informed of the hours the hospitality room will be open.
At a designated Specialty, if possible a morning breakfast of at least coffer and donuts is usually provided in addition to a lunch, where possible, Since the Club does not control the show site, this is not always possible. If the club approves an evening meal pr other entertainment at the show hotel, the Committee will plan and coordinate the events.
For Independent Specialties, this committee is responsible for obtaining catalog ads, getting them to the Show Secretary, collecting payment for ads, and turning funds over to Show Chair. Copies of ads should be made for the records and kept with the financial accounting of the ads.
Ads should be solicited from prior advertisers, local dog businesses, motels, vets, etc. The ads are priced per page, half page and quarter page based on the Superintendents charges to the Club.
Advertising notices for the show should be placed in the Club newsletter, the Bulldogger, be sent to other specialty clubs in the area and to local media outlets. Follow-up with local media with the show results and arrange for them to have a photographer at the show if interested.
Show flyers should be available at specialty shows and matches preceding the show.
For Independent Specialties, this committee contacts potential vendors from last year's vendors and solicits vendors in newsletters and to other Specialty clubs. The committee arranges for space for vendors based on the response, providing tables for each, if required. They mark spaces for vendors with their names so they know where to set up.
The committee maintain a list of vendors names and addresses and collects fees from vendors and turns them over to Show Chair.
For Independent Specialties, the committee establishes the cost of catalogs, the admission charge, if any, and handles the sale of club merchandise. They verify the number of catalogs received from the Superintendent and deliver them to the sales table.
Patty cash should be distributed to provide for change for early arrivals. The petty cash should consist of at least $50 in singles and $50 in fives.
They will arrange to check entries at the door, take money for catalog sales and admissions, if needed, and turn the funds over to the Show Chairman.
The committee will need at least four people, two of whom always should be at the door from one hour before the Sweepstakes starts until Bred-by Bitch is in the ring.
A method of identifying those who paid for entry should b available. A stamp and stamp pad to stamp hands is frequently used so that spectators and exhibitors can come and go after admission has been paid. A free entry for each exhibitor is provided with the entry form.
The chair of this committee should be the Treasurer and members must be Club members in good standing. All full page advertisers should receive a catalog free of charge if any are left over after the show.
For Independent Specialties, the committee is responsible for arranging for an exhibitor unloading area and for all parking, including placing show signs and parking signs. They set up the ring and spectator seating.
The committee sets aside grooming and crating area for dogs entered in the show, leaving space between rows of crates so dogs can get in and out. Central rows can have crates set up back to back. The committee needs to supervise the grooming area so that exhibitors do not spread out haphazardly and take up too much space.
The committee arranges for the cleanup of the show site, outside areas and rings. Scouts of other organizations may be hired to handle the cleanup. A reasonable donation to the Troop for this service can be made. The committee should make sure that waste receptacles and pooper scoopers are available for outside cleanup.
The committee makes sure that paper towels and disinfectant are available ringside for cleanup and that waster receptacles are available in the grooming area.
At Independent Specialties, the committee arranges to pick up the judges at the airport or train station and arranges for the judge's rooms (usually two nights for the class judge and one night for the sweepstakes judge) and ensures payment for the rooms.
Committee members who are not showing will take the judges to dinner the night before the show and arrange for hospitality basket of fruits, sparkling water, crackers, cheeses, etc. in judges rooms the evening before the show.
The committee is responsible for ensuring the judges arrive at the show in sufficient time. Make sure the judge has a relatively private area to stay in before judging. This is especially important for the class judge, who should not see the sweepstakes judging before the classes.
Judges should be provided with any refreshments required in the ring. At a minimum, the ring table should have hand wipes, some hard candy, and a water pitcher and glasses.
The judges are first in line for lunch, if a lunch break is taken. Seat them away from the exhibitors in a relatively private area. If a break is not taken, see if the stewards want anything ringside.
Judges gifts are usually provided to commemorate the assignment. Handmade gifts are appropriate if members can make them. In nay event, they should be something that the judge is not likely to have already.
At a Designated Specialty, these functions are provided by the host club.
For an independent specialty you should have two stewards. One will hand out arm bands, check dogs as present before judging and arrange the trophies from awarding. The other will call dogs into the ring, inform the exhibitors of the initial instructions of the judge and prepare the ribbons awarded in each class. These tasks may be divided in any manner the stewards wish.
At least one steward should be knowledgeable about ring procedure and showing. This is a perfect spot for an experienced exhibitor who is no longer active; the second person may be an inexperienced person being trained in stewarding.
You should make sure that the stewards are sent a judging schedule so that they can plan to arrive sufficiently in advance to prepare the ring for the show After the show, you should send a thank you note to the stewards for helping out.
For designated specialties, stewards are usually arranged for by the host club.
The Education Committee is responsible for all matters concerning education of Club members and the public about our breed. The objective of the Committee is to ensure consistent and accurate communication of information pertaining to the breed and our club. The Committee is responsible for monitoring all Club communications (i.e., Newsletters, websites, Club publications, etc.) and has the authority to direct that any inaccurate information be promptly corrected and/or removed from public view.
The Committee shall:
a) develop and maintain educational materials for distribution to the public, via breed booths, to the Division and member clubs, to further their respective educational programs, and to individual members;
b) To arrange for speakers at the National specialty to address issues within our breed;
c) To develop and maintain an education program to be offered at National’s week;
d) To develop and encourage educational programs at Division and member club levels; and
e) To develop and maintain an advertising campaign to educate the public about our breed and to promote our breeder referral program.
Chairperson: Dennis O'Connor