Club History

The first meeting was held at Collier Park Club House, La Mesa, California on February 13, 1953. Originally called the Bulldog Club of Southern California, the club's name was changed in March 1958, to Bulldog Club of Greater San Diego. It was incorporated several years later.

The club's founders were Claude and Marie Collins, who were instrumental in establishing a Bulldog club serving the San Diego County area. There were 31 club members in 1953. Charter members and officers were: Claude Collins, president; Joe Graham, vice president; Bruce Hollenbeck, secretary: and Mildred Flood, treasurer.

Other charter members were Kay Ames, Stanley Contor, Leona Coburn, Carl and Helen Comstock, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Field Jr., Richard Flood, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Graham, Theo Hollenbeck, Mrs. Olie Hollenbeck, Robert Hunter, Charles and Pen Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lockwood, Earl & Nellie McFarland, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Michels, Mr. and Mrs. Al Romero, Betty Robinson, Rachel Shafer, Mr. and Mrs. Titlebaum.


Vice President


Amber Vallejo  

4130 Bancroft Dr, La Mesa CA 91941

Board of Directors

Laurie Nack
Abimael Arroyo


The club's first AKC-approved "A" Match was held June 7, 1959, in Balboa Park, San Diego. Its first specialty show was held in February 1960 in conjunction with the Silver Bay Kennel Club. Florence Broadhurst was the judge. Best of Breed was Ch. Fearnought Venture, owned by John O’Melvany.

In 1974 the BCGSD Junior Member Drill Team made its debut at the annual specialty show. This uniformed and colorful team featured 8-10 junior members and their dogs performing obedience exercises in drill team patterns under the direction of Betty Fisher. She was an early and long-time advocate of Bulldogs in obedience competition.

The drill team's original five members were Sheri and Jim Fisher, along with Sean, Patrice and Rudy Gerrity and their dogs White Fang’s Snow Bear CDX, White Fang’s Ocho CDX, Ch.Sarzan’s Lord Montgomery, Sarzan’s Joe Reina CD and Sarzan’s Classic Cleopatra.

Later members included Todd and Brad Camp, Mark and Wesley Muenzler, Carla Harper, Cathy, Betsy & Mike Hill and Baron Yost. The team performed at BCGSD and at Pacific Coast Bulldog Club specialties, the Del Mar Fair and various county events for several years until the team members became too busy in high school and college.

Each year, the club schedules quarterly meetings during the months of April, August, October, and December. The meetings are on Saturday or Sunday and usually take place at a dog friendly park or a club member's home.
More information about the club can be found on the club's website,

Submitted by Dayna Bondurant
Sources include Betty Fisher and 1980 Silver Book BCGSD.