“They said "all" Bulldogs are "unhealthy," but I did nothing because it isn't my breed. They said "all" Pugs are "unhealthy," but I did nothing because it isn't my breed. They said "all" French Bulldogs are "unhealthy," but I did nothing because it isn't my breed. They said "all" Pekingese are "unhealthy," but I did nothing because it isn't my breed. In fact, they said "all" short-faced dogs are "unhealthy," but I did nothing because these weren't my breed. Basking in the glow of their media campaign and spurred on by breeder apathy, they will move on. They will say "all" giant breeds are "unhealthy," but I will do nothing because those aren't my breed. They will say "all" long-backed breeds are "unhealthy," but I will do nothing because those aren't my breed.
They will say "all" toy breeds are "unhealthy," but I will do nothing because those aren't my breed. They will say "all" heavily coated breeds are "unhealthy," but I will do nothing because those aren't my breed. They will say "all" blue merle or gray-colored breeds are "unhealthy," but I will do nothing because those aren't my breed. Feeling the accelerated success in the arena of the uninformed general public, they will cut to the chase and say "all" show dogs are "unhealthy," but I will do nothing because I don't show dogs. And finally, with victory within their grasp, They will say "all" pedigree breeds are "unhealthy," and I will no longer have a choice in the breed I care to own and love because I did nothing. (And for good measure, they will say "all" Persian cats are "unhealthy" but I will do nothing because I own dogs (for the time being, anyway))...”
By Anne M. Hier