Club History
This club was formed by a group of Capitol Bulldog Club members who considered the drive too far and too long to attend club meetings.
So, in the spring of 1987, a group of about 20 people met in the home of Jennifer Black to consider the formation of a new bulldog specialty club based around the city of Baltimore
Along with Jennifer Black, the attendees included Mike and Myra Meyers and Sue Weaver along with many bulldog enthusiasts. The outcome of the meeting was to move forward and ask the AKC for recognition, along with The Bulldog Club of America. Other members who were instrumental in its creation included Kim Barnes and Barbara Merrial. Many officers of BCA Division VII also were helpful.
The Chesapeake Club meets in local restaurants on the second Wednesday of each month, except in February and July, and it continues to meet on those nights. During these meetings members drafted bylaws for the club, fulfilling the requirements of the American Kennel Club.
It was further determined that the club should hold fun matches in support of their application for recognition as a club. The first memory of a match was approximately 1990, when the match was held at the Rosedale, Maryland, Elementary School, with an entry of about 25 puppies.
AKC's approval to hold licensed specialty shows followed after the club fulfilled its necessary obligations. The club was recognized around 1996 and became a member of BCA Division VII at that time.
The Chesapeake Bulldog Club of Greater Baltimore held its first Bulldog specialty show in conjunction with the Catonsville Kennel Club on October 15, 1994 in West Friendship, Maryland, according to Ed Scully’s website and AKC history.
The judge for the day was Troy Dudley McMillin with an entry of 27. The best of breed award went to Ch. Dandy-Lion’s Caesar Titus with S & K’s Royale Ruby Red selected as best of opposite sex and winners bitch. The winner of the dog points was Bunbull’s Tyrol Bo.
The Chesapeake club has been very pleased with its continued involvement in the Bulldog Club of America and especially as a member of BCA Division VII.
This club was the host club for the BCA National Specialty in 2004 at Alexandria, Virginia.
Contibuted by Paul Thornburg with assistance from Jennifer Black and Ed Scully.