"The eyes, seen from the front, should be situated low down in the skull, as far from the ears as possible, and their corners should be in a straight line at right angles with the stop. They should be quite in front of the head, as wide apart as possible, provided their outer corners are within the outline of the cheeks when viewed from the front. They should be quite round in form, of moderate size, neither sunken nor bulging, and in color should be very dark. Blue or green eye(s) or parti-color eye(s) are a disqualification. The lids should cover the white of the eyeball, when the dog is looking directly forward, and the lid should show no "haw."
Eye problems are potentially serious. Minor problems can become major ones if not addressed. See your Vet if the problem does not correct itself or with home remedy within a day.
To administer ointments to the eye, pull down the lower lid and place the ointment on the inner surface. Then rub the eyelid gently over the eyeball to spread the medication. Applying it directly to the eyeball can be dangerous if the dog jerks his head. Eye drops can be placed directly on the eyeball. Hold the eyelids open momentarily while the drops are applied.