About the Sponsorship Program
In 2021, we began the Gallery Sponsorship Program to raise money to assist in the cost of transportation and maintenance of the Gallery and Hall of Fame, where the Club’s properties are held and displayed each year at our National Show Week. These properties include:
- The Rodney Trophy, awarded to Best of Breed and the Vardon Trophy awarded to the Best of Opposite Sex to BOB, when a dog winning at the National Show is one owned and bred by the exhibitor;
- The Minnesota Fats of Kelly Road Gould Trophy awarded to the bitch winning Best Brood Bitch at the National Show;
- The Fearnought Trophy awarded to the dog winning Best Stud Dog at the National Show;
- The Hall of Fame Plaques recognizing the names of Breeders, Sires, Dams, and Performance Sport Bulldogs, for their achievements in breeding, siring, or producing numbers of Champions, or in the case of Performance, bulldogs who have performed with exceptional accomplishment in competitions of Obedience, Agility, Rally and Scent Work.
- Paintings of each Best of Breed and Best of Opposite Sex dogs and bitches, which have won at the National Show (now over 100 paintings displayed).