This page is for use by Division Secretaries to edit member's information.

In the form below select your division to begin. Some helpful tips given here:

  • In Search type in a few letters of member's name, then click the dropdown to select the member from the filtered list.
  • It may take a second or two to populate the select dropdown.
  • If no member matches the search string there will not be any dropdown to select.
    • If the member is a transfer from/to another division the new Divison Secretary may have already moved the member.
      • Check in the Divison the member moved to/from for confirmation of the new division.
  • After selecting a member in the dropdown the form will autopopulate with the member's existing information.
  • If the email shows it is a shared account email where the primary account is using the shared email, or no email was given when joining the BCA.
  • When changing the email address for the member be aware the member will receive a confirmation email to the original email address.
  • If changing the email address for the member it must not be in use by another active member.
    • A duplicated email will give an already used message and will not create a new email.
      • If email is shared between members then a dummy email must be (or has been) created for the Member.
      • To create a dummy email use the members first and last name. example: to create a dummy email.
  • To remove access for a member because of discipline or non-payment of dues select Lapsed Member in the Member Role dropdown.
  • After submitting the form the response will state User Updated.

If you think you should have access to this form please contact the webmaster.

Happy Editing!

ADMIN and EDITOR Accounts are excluded from this search.
Scott Ross Div I, Sherry Webb Div V, Michele Peres Div VI and Julie Babcock Div III. 
Contact an admin or editor directly for editing