Use the Buttons below to view, save and print a PDF Breeder Referral Application or Renewal to mail to your Division Secretary.

Scroll down to use the online form to fill out an original
Breeder Referral Application.
Time to Renew or modify? Click to renew or modify your
Breeder Renewal Application online.


You must fill out this form in its entirety. On completion and submission you will receive this form as a completed PDF in an email. Print the form, sign and mail to your Division Secretary.

1. Please complete all fields and USE ONLY THIS FORM.
2. On submission this form will go directly to your Division Secretary in PDF format.
3. This application is valid for one year.

* COMPLAINT PROCEDURES Complaints of any kind resulting from the members of BCA who are listed in the BCA Breeders’ Directory shall be sent to the Secretary of the Division wherein the BCA member resides for investigation.
Upon receipt of the written complaint against the breeder, the Division will appoint a committee of three (3) members (one board) to look into the matter and that the member in question will be provided a copy of the written complaint by the Secretary.
The investigation will take no longer than 90 days from the time the member is notified and that any action will be decided on by the Division Board.
If the committee feels that the complaint(s) are valid, they may recommend any action from a written warning to permanent removal from the Breeder's Directory.

Applicant Information


Additional Information


Do you exhibit Bulldogs?(Required)


Do you currently advertise your Bulldog breeding program on a website?(Required)
Is this your personal website for your breeding program?(Required)


Background Information(Required)
Please check all that apply


Have you ever been convicted of any crime of cruelty to animals, or of animal abandonment?(Required)


1st BCA Member Reference(Required)
2nd BCA Member Reference(Required)

CERTIFICATION: I certify that I have been a member of the Bulldog Club of America for at least five (5) consecutive years. I agree that as a condition of my original and/or continued listing in the BCA Breeders’ Directory that:
1. My stock is AKC registered; that I have never been suspended from privileges of the American Kennel Club and I will conduct all my sales, services and advertising in a manner that will benefit my breed and the Bulldog Club of America;
2. I agree to and will abide by all Rules and Regulations of The Bulldog Club of America pertaining to the BCA Code of Ethics and Breeder Code of Ethics; and,
3. If any charges or complaints* are made to BCA about my breeding practices, sales, services or advertising, I will promptly upon request of the BCA reply fully in writing to the BCA. If any such charges or complaints are not resolved to the satisfaction of the BCA, I understand that the BCA may, in the sole discretion of the officers and board members of the Club, refuse to renew my listing and forthwith remove my name from the Breeder Directory.
BCA reserves the refuse or withdraw any listing without notice, which operated in violation of the BCA Code of Ethics or remove any member not in good standing with the AKC or BCA.

Hold mouse or finger over field to sign.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.