Club History
The Heart of America Bulldog Club was founded in February 1950 in the Kansas City, Missouri, area.
The officers were: Carter Emert, president; Ralph Radiske, vice president; R.D. Eddens, secretary-treasurer.
There were 30 charter members. Membership dues were set at $5 per person and $2 for each additional family member.
Champion stud fees reported in the Bulldog Annual at that time ranged from $35 to $50.
The first AKC-sanctioned match was held October 8, 1950, at Water Tower Park. There was an entry of 28 bulldogs, with C.D. Richardson judging. The club held its first combined specialty show on October 21, 1951 at the American Royal Building. There were 52 bulldogs entered under judge Frank Carolin. Best of Breed went to Ch. Dickens Newlo's Golden Nymph, owned by Mr. and Mrs. Bailey Hanes. The entry fee was $4.25. The club's first fun match was held on April 29, 1951, on West Linwood Boulevard. Mrs. Raymond L. Dickens judged 26 bulldogs. Best in Match went to Cutler's Stormcloud, owned by Joe Cutler.
Vice President
Jennifer Vires
1121 North 8th St
St Joseph, MO 64501
Board of Directors