AKC Gazette

March 2006




It was two years ago that I wrote my first column for the GAZETTE, when Robert Newcomb, president of the Bulldog Club of America, asked me to become the breed columnist. In that first column I asked Mr. Newcomb to give his thoughts about the BCA. Now, at the conclusion of his second term, I asked him to write something about his accomplishments during his time in office. Here is what he said:

“To take a page from our friendly political leaders, I can say we had a successful term of office because the club is financially sound and there is not a major conflict!”

“There have been two major changes since I was BCA president in 1972: The membership is seven times larger than it was then, and we now have e-mail. I have become much better at computer use, and have tried to stay in touch with anyone who contacted me via e-mail. I am not much for online chatting, but it makes an easy way to contact people and share ideas.”

“The first thing that the executive committee was in charge of over-seeing was the amendment to the BCA constitution and bylaws. Phil Booker and his staff laid the ground work and the changes were passed by an overwhelming BCA majority and approved by the AKC.”

“Another major accomplishment in the past two years was the formation of the Bulldog Club of America Rescue Network, Inc. This was incorporated as a separate entity, a 501 ( c )( 3 ), not-for-profit corporation, to care for Bulldog rescue needs.”

“In the past few months, the United States was hit with some of the mot devastating disasters in our history. To help our Bulldog friends who lost so much to Katrina and the other hurricanes, the BCA formed a special fund and disbursed money as quickly as possible to assist them. We are blessed with many generous members and clubs who opened their hearts and their wallets to help.”

“I believe BCA is, and will continue to be, one of the largest and most active parent clubs in the dog fancy.”

For me personally, writing this column has been an honor and a privilege, made easier by the support of the editorial staff of the GAZETTE and by everyone who has taken the time to read the column and send me a note commenting on it. Thank you for your support. The GAZETTE gives the reader an opportunity to benefit from the knowledge and experience of the breed clubs and from articles that are of interest to every dog fancier, exhibitor, and owner. Every serious dog person should have a subscription to this magazine.

As the new year begins, the Bulldog Club of America has a new president: Claudia Brown, from Division X. We welcome her.

Amelia Averil, 8 Willow Brook Rd., Hillsdale, NJ 07612.