The Bulldog Club of America is asking for tissue samples for a preliminary research project on bulldog anasarca. The study will require tissue from fully affected anasarca neonate pups, tissue from control un-affected littermate neonates, and if possible tissue from the sire and the dam producing the anasarca litter.  In addition, any information concerning the production of the present or previous anasarca litters from any dog contributing to the pedigree of the Sire and Dam is highly encouraged.

All information from each specimen will be strictly confidential.

The Bulldog Club of America Charitable Fund Anasarca Study will reimburse all shipping costs.

Pedigree and litter information on the Dam & Sire producing the anasarca litter:

A. Please provide a pedigree for both the Dam and the Sire. (as many generations as possible).

B. Were there any anasarca pups in the litter when the Dam and or the Sire were born?

C. Have the Dam or the Sire produced any other anasarca litters? If so, how many litters contained affected pups and how many litters were normal? How many anasarca pups have the Dam or the Sire produced over their breeding career?

D. Have any dogs in either the Dam or Sire’s pedigree produced anasarca litters? If so, which ones? Is it possible to get blood samples from them?

Anasarca Study Tissue Collection Protocol

The Bulldog Club of America is asking for tissue samples for a preliminary research project on bulldog anasarca. The study will require tissue from fully affected anasarca neonate pups, tissue from control un-affected littermate neonates, and if possible tissue from the sire and the dam producing the anasarca litter. In addition, any information concerning the production of the present or previous anasarca litters from any dog contributing to the pedigree of the Sire and Dam is highly encouraged. All information from each specimen will be strictly confidential.

The Bulldog Club of America Charitable Fund Anasarca Study will reimburse all shipping costs.

At this time we are only accepting extreme cases of anasarca neonates. The entire pup must be affected. If just a part of the pup is affected, for example just the head or the thorax, then we cannot accept this tissue.

Please direct any study questions, billing inquiries, or email any study information to:

Please ship the samples and pedigree information to:

Jonathan E. Beever, Ph.D.
Department of Animal Sciences
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
220 Edward R. Madigan Laboratory, MC-051
1201 West Gregory Drive
Urbana, IL 61801 USA